The Scientist Coffee Sub-brand

Identity, Packaging, 2023

Creative Director: Alex
Art Director: Alex
Designer: Hawk
Motion: Hawk
Client: The Scientist Coffee

“the scientist” is a sub-brand launched by The Scientist Coffee to enter universities. In the brand visual design, we lowercase the logo of the main brand and adjust the height and angle of the iconic “long and short line” elements to create a dynamic and the rebellious brand character. The visual tone of the brand is the style of  1980s and 1990s, paying tribute to the pure and passionate youth group of that era.

the scientist是科學家咖啡爲進駐高校而推出的子品牌,在品牌視覺設計中,我們將主線品牌的Logo做小寫處理,並將標志性的“長短線”元素進行高度與角度的調整,塑造出活躍且叛逆的品牌性格;品牌的視覺調性爲上世紀八、九十年代的風格,以此致敬那個時代純粹而富有激情的青年群體。

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