The Scientist Coffee
Branding, Packaging, Motion, 2018
Creative Director: Alex
Art Director: Alex
Designer: Alex
Motion: Karo
Client: The Scientist Coffee
The Scientist Coffee VI breaks the usual style, we only use the basic sans-serif and two rectangles to form the visual identity system, which is conspicuous, confident and aggressive. By stretching, cutting and arranging, we form a variable visual system to respond the key elements, proportion, in coffee bean matching and coffee brewing. THE SCIENTIST can still be clearly identified whether it is cut or obscured, creating a unique memory field for brand communication. This design is in line with the intention of brand transformation from independent cafe to chain specialty coffee brand.
科學家咖啡的視覺形象只用基本的無襯線字體和兩個矩形組成,我們通過拉伸、裁切和排列,形成可變的系統,呼應咖啡豆拼配以及咖啡衝泡中的關鍵元素—比例。THE SCIENTIST無論是被裁切還是被遮擋,都可以清晰地被識別,極具張力,符合了品牌從獨立咖啡館向連鎖精品咖啡轉型的意圖,為品牌傳播營造了獨特的記憶場域。